The Yorkshire Dalesman February 2023 - OUT OF STOCK

The Yorkshire Dalesman February 2023

Ten years after Wensleydale cheese won Protected Geographic Indication, we visit the dairy to talk about its past, present, and future. We examine what happened to Yorkshire's seaside piers, uncover how the only woman to have fought in the First World War was, of course, a Yorkshire woman, and discover what's happening to the county's curlews. All this, and all your favourite features, funnies and food tips.

Ten years after Wensleydale cheese won Protected Geographic Indication, we visit the dairy to talk about its past, present, and future. We examine what happened to Yorkshire's seaside piers, uncover how the only woman to have fought in the First World War was, of course, a Yorkshire woman, and discover what's happening to the county's curlews. All this, and all your favourite features, funnies and food tips.

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